How do start up my heat pump?

First of all, make sure the heat pump is properly connected to the hydraulic pipes:

  • WATER IN = blue = bottom connection
  • WATER OFF = red = top connection

Also check that there is good circulation and that the bypass is set correctly so that the full flow is running over the heat pump. A regular backwash (weekly or fortnightly) can help with this and is even recommended to keep the heat pump working optimally. An extra tip here is to install a FlowVis flow meter between the heat pump and filter, so that you always have control over a properly executed backwash and therefore have good circulation in your pool.

Everything checked? Top, then you are ready to start up the heat pump!

  1. Plug the heat pump into the power socket. Always keep the heat pump energised. Also, never shut down the heat pump by removing the electrical supply.
  2. The display will light up and start-up codes will appear. Wait until the display shows two temperatures or until you read 0% in the top right corner of the display.
  3. Unlock the display so you can operate everything properly. You do this by pressing the lock for a few seconds until you hear a beep. After a certain time, the display unlocks itself again.
  4. Now set the desired temperature.
  5. Is the temperature set? Then the heat pump will start up after 3 minutes.
  6. The percentage (mode) is shown on the display and controlled by the pump itself. You can read the mode at bottom right. Je kan dit zelf instellen via het ventilatortekentje.

    II = 80% silence mode
    III = 100%

    Inver X:
    I = silence mode
    II = smart mode
    III = boost mode (when you want to warm up the pool quickly at the start of the pool season). You need to start it up manually yourself and the heat pump will automatically switch it off when the desired temperature is reached.

When outside temperatures are low, such as at the start or end of a season, the heat pump may frost up. The heat pump will even activate an automatic defrosting process and may produce quite a bit of noise when it does so or even emit a plume of smoke (water vapour). This is normal and nothing to worry about. Following the defrosting process, the pump will automatically revert to its previous state and systematically increase to the appropriate percentage.