A layer of ice appears on my heat pump. Should I be worried?

No worries.

When outside temperatures are low, such as at the start or end of a season, the heat pump may frost up. The heat pump will even activate an automatic defrosting process and may produce quite a bit of noise when it does so or even emit a plume of smoke (water vapour). This is normal and nothing to worry about. Following the defrosting process, the pump will automatically revert to its previous state and systematically increase to the appropriate percentage.

However, does the size of the ice layer continue to increase and do you notice that the heat pump is not initiating the defrost cycle? Then the defrost temperature should be readjusted.

In this case, on-site intervention by a refrigeration technician is necessary. You can request this via this link to us intervention platform.

For this, keep the following information handy:

  • Serial number of the heat pump
  • The intervention address
  • Contact details of your end customer (= person with whom the appointment should be made)