PPG spare parts catalogue 2024

Looking for a spare part for a pump, filter, heat pump or other pool component? You’re sure to find it in our brand new PPG Spare parts catalogue.
The catalogue can be found on the PPG-webshop under “Tools” and “Documents”.
The layout of the PPG Spare parts catalogue is identical to that of the PPG catalogue 2024. The exploded views and reference numbers make it extra easy to order the right spare parts.
Did you know that you can also find spare parts in our webshop?
Go to our webshop www.polletpoolgroup.be, choose “Spare parts” and select the spare part you are looking for.
Didn’t find your spare part? PPG Technics will gladly assist you. Contact us via technics@polletpoolgroup.be, +32(0)56 78
20 56 or via Messenger PPG Technics.